Tree Assessment and Risk Management - Factors to Consider

As a homeowner, you must balance risk management and assessment based upon a balance of factors like time and money. Contacting your local Arborist for a visual inspection is the first step to maintaining a low level of risk to your property. They will identify any issues, give their professional advice, and map out a plan that suits your needs.

Four main factors should be taken into consideration during a visual inspection: tree size, the possibility of infestations or diseases and the tree’s surroundings. It is very important to consider the environment of the tree (i.e. location/placement and soil conditions) when determining the risk factor of your tree(s).

Keep in mind that you can be held legally responsible for injuries or damages caused by tree failures that could have been prevented with proper tree maintenance. Trees that are healthily maintained, but still suffer a tree failure are considered an “act of God”.  

Contact your local Arborist for more information.